Thursday, August 30, 2007

Seasons turning

Only yesterday the girls were dismissed at noon for another heat day. Their school has no A/C so when temperatures hit the high 90's, as they have for the last two weeks, school lets out early. But this morning I noticed the leaves already turning. I nursed these blooms through the beastly heat of summer but they won't last too much longer and my colorful sanctuary where I enjoy coffee after the girls have left for school and before the day kicks into high gear will abandon me til spring. I hope the tomatoes I planted late from seeds I picked up at Target's dollar aisle yield a few rounds before the cold comes. They'll go well with my basil, the first joyous thing I planted.


Karen Miedrich-Luo said...

wow allison, I didn't know you had such a green thumb. Bugs or mildew always manage to destroy whatever I plant. Your plants look so full and lucious. Nevertheless, I'm imagining lots of blankets, an outdoor fire, and some hot cocoa outside, in the winter. Burning leaves, and long strolls in the fall, and then blessed, glorious, daffodils peeking through the snow in March. It's for the seasons you moved.

jenni said...

OK, why didn't MY school dismiss us for Heat Days? (I lived in Houston then, too...)

Gorgeous flowers and plants! Please give the Simmons a green thumb lesson.

Anonymous said...

these are all so floral, i think the tomahhtoes will be nice as chewing with the food and wouldnt take a lot of horseing around . . .